Thursday, November 17, 2011

Prom night!

Hola como están? Estas son las fotos que tomamos el domingo pasado para la marca Blue7. Tratamos de hacer algo no tan convencional (hablando de vestidos de noche), queríamos mostrar algo más real para que las chicas se identifiquen mejor y que tuviera toda esta onda divertida y emocionante que implica terminar el cole. Si quieren ver más de Blue7 entren AQUI.
Hey, how's it going? This is the photoshoot we made for the brand Blue7. We tried to make something a bit unconventional (talking about night dresses), we wanted to show something more real so the girls could identify themselves a bit more with the brand, we also did something more fun and exiting to make a connection with the feeling they have when they are gonna end high school. If you wanna see more of Blue7 go HERE.

Photography: Alonso

Prom 2011-Blue Seven from Eduardo Delgado on Vimeo.

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