Y al fin el sorteo que todas las fans de Camote Soup estaban esperando! DOS serán las felices ganadoras que se llevarán como primer premio un maxi vestido como el de la primera foto y como segundo premio un vestido asimétrico como el de la segunda foto!!
At last the giveaway that all the Camote Soup fans were waiting for! TWO are gonna be the happy winners, like FIRST prize the maxi dress of the first pic and as SECOND prize the assymetrical dress from the second pic!!
At last the giveaway that all the Camote Soup fans were waiting for! TWO are gonna be the happy winners, like FIRST prize the maxi dress of the first pic and as SECOND prize the assymetrical dress from the second pic!!
Qué es lo que tienes que hacer?WORLDWIDE GIVEAWAY!!
1. Seguir este blog con Bloglovin' o Google friend connect.
2. Ser fan de Camote Soup en facebook AQUI
3. Dejar un comentario con tu nombre y mail en este post.
4. Darle LIKE a este post al final.
Opcional: Poner este banner en tu blog o web hasta que acabe el concurso y tendrás 4 opciones más para ganar! (código del banner al final)
What do you have to do?
1. Follow this blog with Bloglovin' or Google friend connect.
2. Be a Camote Soup fan via facebook HERE
3. Leave a comment with your name and email.
4. Give LIKE at the end of this post.
Optional: Place th banner in your blog or web until the contest ends and get 4 more options to win! (Banner code below)
Giveaway will end on nov.29
Buena suerte a todas / Good luck to everyone
Banner code:
<a href="http://www.fashionindahat.com/2011/11/2-thousand-camote-soup-fans-giveaway.html" target="_blank"><img style="width: 222px; height: 290px;" src="http://i1215.photobucket.com/albums/cc502/alemazzini/giveawaycontest-1.gif" alt="Photobucket" border="0" /></a>
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