Cómo están hoy? Yo he estado varias horas al frente de la compu tratando de terminar mi trabajo final que tengo que entregar el lunes que viene, pero mil ideas dan vueltas por mi cabeza y no se como llevarlas al papel. Supongo que a varias le ha pasado que no saben por donde empezar...Bueno, hablando del look de hoy, qué les parece esta falda? Me gusta porque es de esas piezas que puedes usar de manera sport y también formal. Es de la nueva colección de Rock Papaya, está linda no??
Hey how you doing today? I've being hours in front of my laptop trying to finish my final work of my diplomat but many ideas come to my head and don't know where to start, i guess this has happen to many of you before...Well, talking about today's outfit, what do you think of this skirt? I like it a lot cause it's a piece that you can wear in an informal and in a formal way. It's from the new collection of Rock Papaya, cute isn't it?
Hey how you doing today? I've being hours in front of my laptop trying to finish my final work of my diplomat but many ideas come to my head and don't know where to start, i guess this has happen to many of you before...Well, talking about today's outfit, what do you think of this skirt? I like it a lot cause it's a piece that you can wear in an informal and in a formal way. It's from the new collection of Rock Papaya, cute isn't it?
No se olviden que quedan 2 días para sortear el vestido, participa AQUI
Don't forget it still 2 days to end the maxi dress giveaway, participate HERE
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