Foto: Handrez García
Y bueno, creo que ahora si este short quedó listo, se acuerdan que comenzó ASI?? Qué les parece ahora? Ustedes también pueden hacer esto con sus pantalones viejos, los rasgan con una tijera, cuchillo o peine de clavitos y le ponen las tachas! Muy simple!!
Que tengan un buen día y no se olviden de darle click a la tele de la derecha!---------->
And well, i think this shorts are ready now, remember they started like THIS?? What do you think of them now? You can also do this to your old pants, rip them with a scissor, a knife or a comb with little nails and then put the studs on it! Very simple!!
Que tengan un buen día y no se olviden de darle click a la tele de la derecha!---------->
And well, i think this shorts are ready now, remember they started like THIS?? What do you think of them now? You can also do this to your old pants, rip them with a scissor, a knife or a comb with little nails and then put the studs on it! Very simple!!
Have a nice day and don't forget to click on the tv on the right side!---------------->
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