Siempre hemos estado acostumbradas a mezclar las prendas con estampados, con otras básicas de color entero, pero, han tratado de mezclar 2 prendas full print en un mismo outfit alguna vez? Acá les muestro dos combinaciones que hice de animal print + estampado de puntos y otro de estampado floral + aves. Me cuentan que les parece!!
We are used to match our printed garments with basic ones, but, have you tried to mix 2 full printed pieces in the same outfit? Here i show you 2 combinations i made, first one of animal print + dots, and the second one flowers + birds. Tell me what do you think!!
We are used to match our printed garments with basic ones, but, have you tried to mix 2 full printed pieces in the same outfit? Here i show you 2 combinations i made, first one of animal print + dots, and the second one flowers + birds. Tell me what do you think!!
Si les gustaron los shorts, los encuentran en el showroom de Camote Soup! Hay de varios estampados más!!
If you liked the shorts, you find them at the Camote Soup's trunshow!
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