Se que debería postear ahorita el sorteo que les prometí pero aún sigo esperando las fotos y me desespero un poquito al ver lo poco que he posteado esta última semana. Y bueno, justo estaba escuchando a Sóley y me dieron ganas de pintarme la cara como ella, les gusta? Su música es buenaza, super relajante...
I know i must be posting the giveaway i promise you right now but i'm still waiting for the pictures and i get a bit desperate because i know i haven't being posting that much this week. And well, i was listening to Sóley and it came to me the feeling to paint my face like her, like it? Her music is very cool, super relaxing...
I know i must be posting the giveaway i promise you right now but i'm still waiting for the pictures and i get a bit desperate because i know i haven't being posting that much this week. And well, i was listening to Sóley and it came to me the feeling to paint my face like her, like it? Her music is very cool, super relaxing...
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